Speech to text transcription for students & lecturers

AI-powered Speech transcription system to support the full spectrum of education, meeting the needs of students, teachers, researchers and educational institutions

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Wide range of use

AI in education – 
From accessibility of lectures to automatic transcription for students

The AI-powered Alrite speech to text app effectively supports students to be more productive and greatly contributes to accessibility in educational institutions.


Making speech to text AI a very effective tool for education overall. AI automatically converts video lectures, audio recordings and online videos into searchable-shareable-translatable text and video captions, helping educators to create lecture guides and students to take e-notes.

Our speech to text solutions are trusted by leading educational institutions

Cosa dicono i nostri clienti di Alrite, l'intelligenza artificiale da voce a testo di nuova generazione

Blonde woman sitting on yellow chair and using her laptop in a big room

Use automated lecture transcripts to get ahead in class

Transcription for students: Note-taking, dictation

Recordings of university lectures can be converted into text with up to 90-95% accuracy in seconds. The transcripts allow students to process the lectures in text form, helping them to learn effectively. Lectures are much easier to follow, and material that is heard and read at the same time is much better retained.

The Alrite speech to text application can not only process pre-recorded audio and video recordings or online media, but also direct dictation. Once recorded, the system can generate a structured, punctuated transcript in no more than a few minutes.

Speech to text increases the understandability of lectures and online courses

E-learning video captioning and translation

The text generated from audio and video files processed by the Alrite speech to text app can be translated in-app with a single click.

The automatic translation system built into the application allows the educational material to be made available in different languages simultaneously, making it much easier for foreign students to understand lectures that may not be in a language they can speak. Furthermore, lecturers can save a lot of time by sharing lectures in up to 10 different languages.

Woman holding an online lecture via webcam with a physical board behind her
Woman studying multiple datasheets on paper at a desk

Save the lenghty hours of typing, write your assignment with speech

Automated Interview processing: research, thesis writing

Research projects can require a lot of audio and video material to be processed, which is not only time-consuming to listen back to and transcribe, but also essential to archive properly. Searching through the audio recordings to find important details is time-consuming, but to get a fuller picture of the interviewee, the mood of the conversation and the emotional charge of what was said, it may be necessary.

By utilizing AI in education with the help of Alrite speech to text application, this is all easily achieved. The processed media-text pairs are stored together in the system, and in the file archive, so all you need to do is search for a specific phrase or keyword, as all files containing that word are listed. What’s more, clicking on the text of the transcript will jump to the exact location where the phrase is heard in the recording.

The resulting transcript is displayed in paragraphs, with speaker differentiation, and can be exported in Word-compatible format with one-click export, even with timings. Transcribing for students is ideal for thesis writers, with automatic text generation eliminating one of the most unpleasant parts of writing a thesis – the lengthy typing process.

Whether you need to instantly transcribe your thoughts or using media-based sources for your thesis, the Alrite speech to text app can generate transcripts and automatic video captions to match the media, using direct dictation, file uploads and social media video uploads.

The Alrite voice to text AI can shorten the time and cost of research by eliminating hours of typing and creating a retrievable database for using voice-text pairs for quotation and reference information for research.

Increase accessibility with live captioning

Transcribing educational materials with AI even in real time

The Alrite speech to text app is also capable of real-time speech recognition, enhancing the experience and clarity for the audience of presentations. Live captioning supports barrier-free access for deaf and hard of hearing students.

The speech to text system is extremely useful for in-depth understanding of the educational material. Alrite’s live captioner works both as a desktop version and as a mobile app, so that speech can be displayed as real-time captioning (e.g., on a projector) during lectures.

In addition, with the Alive mobile app, listeners can follow the lecture with live captions on their own devices. All that is needed is a microphone placed close to the presenter and connected to the system, so that no matter how far away the audience is from the speaker, they can read the text with exceptional accuracy.

Large young audience listening to educational speech
Woman searching in archives

Take advantage of the complex search functions

Creating searchable archives of lecture transcripts

The big advantage of the Alrite speech to text app is that it delivers not only an outstanding 90-95% accuracy rate for audio and video, but also assigns unique timings to each word in the transcript, enabling searchability beyond text to media. And how?

Well, when you click in the transcript, the video player jumps to the exact second where the phrase appears in the file. This feature cuts the time spent on preparation and processing lectures to a fraction of the time needed to read them by allowing you to recall the passages in question at any time.

Note-taking and transcription is useful for students, but also for educators as well in preparing for their lectures faster. As terms can be searched within a given file, the media materials of the course can be used to create an easily searchable, valuable archive for easy access to all learning modules.

Speed up the administrative tasks and content creation

Speech recognition in communication and marketing

Educational institutions produce a wide range of documents to keep students informed. And of course, the preparation of communication materials takes a lot of time.

Therefore, it is practical to take advantage of implementing AI in education like the Alrite speech to text app that frees colleagues from cumbersome typing tasks. Alrite can effectively support the office and the administrative processes of the institution.

The institution’s communication team often shares content on its own platforms about upcoming events, deadlines, health regulations, conferences, which can be easily transcribed using automated transcription.

Finally, universities and colleges are also increasingly focusing on marketing communication. With the Alrite automatic transcription app, promotional media materials and social media posts for potential students can be instantly captioned in the original or in another language.

People sitting at table doing business in an office

See what Alrite is capable of in a sample transcript

Below you a can find a sample data sheet of a previously recorded audio. It is a publicly shared document where you can check how accurate Alrite is (the transcript has not been edited). To try the versatile functionality of Alrite, please register.

Get the most out of your documents from as low as {{pricing.Prime}}/minute



Transcribe with Alrite in any media-related field without commitments! Get 1 hour timeframe after registration + 30-minute timeframe renewed monthly.

No credit card needed.

{{pricing.Prime}} /minute


Start to utilize the advantages of Alrite's transcription features to include a larger audience and to boost your overall productivity.

  • Helpdesk within 12 hours
  • Transcribing YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and Dailymotion videos
  • Storage of files and text versions for 6 months
  • Administration interface for managing an unlimited number of users
  • Transcription using dictation
  • Transcription using audio and video file upload
  • Translation
  • Summary and Keyword generation
  • Generating transcripts containing timestamps

Best offer for captioning

{{pricing.Premium}} /minute


Increase your content-creating and media-monitoring efficiency with Alrite, with outstanding customer service and optimization capabilities.

  • Priority helpdesk, within 6 hours Premium
  • Transcribing and captioning YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and Dailymotion videos Premium
  • Storage of files and text versions for 1 year
  • Administration interface for managing an unlimited number of users
  • Transcription using dictation
  • Transcription using audio and video file upload
  • Translation
  • Summary and Keyword generation
  • Video captioning Premium
  • Burned-in captions Premium
  • Generating transcripts containing timestamps


Take advantage of Alrite's full functionality with the ability to request all additional services, such as tailor-made dictionary for media monitoring or content creating

  • Unique vocabulary
  • Accesso all'API
  • On-premises deployment

Non-profit and higher education institutions have access to Alrite business subscription packages at a special discount, with an additional 5% volume discount above 100 hours of timecredit.

Frequently asked questions

What benefits does the Alrite speech to text AI have?

The Alrite speech to text app provides multiple features to boost your productivity

  • Automatic transcription of speech and audio files in English, German, Spanish, French, Turkish and Hungarian
  • 95% accuracy of speech transcription
  • Speech recognition of multiple speakers
  • Generate subtitles for your videos
  • Real time transcription for live videos and TV
  • The speech to text app highlights low confidence words, making your job easier for you
  • Useful functions in industries like Education, Media, Business, Government, and more
  • The voice to text AI is available on Android, iOS, and the most popular web browsers
  • High level security of your data
  • On-premise / private cloud service for businesses
How does Alrite work?

Alrite uses advanced AI to provide speech to text services across all industries, increasing your efficiency at all times.

How does Alrite utilize AI?

AI helps Alrite to provide the accuracy of 95% in audio and speech transcription. Moreover, it also helps so the speech to text services are available in 12 different languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Turkish, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Polish, Italian and Hungarian.

What is Alrite’s speech to text feature used for?

It is useful for individuals and for businesses as well to boost their productivity, efficiency, and to make their everyday lives easier.

In what industries can Alrite be useful?

Alrite’s speech transcription, translation, and subtitle-generating features can be useful in the following areas:

  • Office work
  • Media
  • Call centers
  • Digitalization
  • Educazione
  • Governo
  • Accessibilità
  • Non-business use